About WCTA
The Wood County Township Association is a non-profit organization consisting of members from all 19 townships. All Wood County elected township officials, township employees, other interested individuals and businesses are eligible for membership. As of October 2024, there are 76 Active (which means all eligible trustees and fiscal officers are paid members), 98 Affiliate and 18 Associate dues-paying members.
Share and disseminate important information to members to assist them in performing their duties as township officials.
Serve as a conduit for the flow of information between various county agencies and townships.
Coordinate and communicate with the Ohio Township Association regarding township affairs.
Serve as a collected voice to Ohio and U.S. legislators regarding issues affecting Wood County townships.
Membership Categories
Active Members
Currently elected Wood County township trustees and fiscal officers.
Affiliate Members
Current Wood County township employees.
Associate Members
Any person or business not associated with a Wood County township in an official capacity.
Honorary Members
Certain former elected Wood County township officials. Click here to view a list of all honorary members.
Contact any WCTA officer to inquire about becoming a member and current dues amounts. Categories were changed in 2022.
Maintain and staff a Welcome Station at the Wood County Fair. Each day, all fair goers are eligible to enter a free raffle drawing for a gift basket. To enter our drawing, simply stop by our Welcome Station, located between the Republican and Democrat buildings on the fair midway.
Support the Wood County Junior Fair and Pemberville Free Fair livestock auctions by purchasing 4-H and FFA member livestock projects.
Sponsor pigs at the Wood County Fair and Pemberville Free Fair Catch-A-Pig contests.
Award scholarships to Wood County high school seniors who are going on to further their education. See the “Scholarships” tab above for more information about how to apply.
Current WCTA Officers
Isaac Bailey
8980 Nelson Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
isaacwebstertwp@gmail.com -
Vice President
Lorie Davis
30630 Drouillard Road, Lot 314
Walbridge, Ohio 43465
419-838-6536 Ext. 105
loried@laketwp.com -
Matt Davis
16360 Ohio Oil Road
Cygnet, Ohio 43413
Henry_Township@hotmail.com -
Sandra Rubel
4567 Jerry City Road
Wayne, Ohio 43466