The WCTA is proud to offer to any Wood County graduating high school senior, who meets the criteria outline below, the opportunity to apply for a one-time, nonrenewable $1,000.00 scholarship. Two scholarships are planned to be awarded each year. This money is to be used toward tuition, books and/or fees at any academic, technical or vocational institution. These scholarships are made available using donated funds (no tax dollars are used) by the Wood County Township Association Scholarship Committee.
Select this link for our past scholarship winners.
Selection Criteria:
Applicant must be a high school senior eligible for graduation and a resident of a Wood County township or resident of an incorporated entity (village) within a Wood County township whose voters are eligible to vote on township ballot issues.
Applicant must be planning to attend an accredited college or university, or technical or vocational institution.
Applicant must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Requirements (all of the following):
Complete the application available at the link below.
A 350 – 500 word essay, explained further on application.
Official high school transcript.
Two letters of recommendation from non-family members.
If already accepted to an accredited college or university, or technical or vocational institution, attach a copy of the letter of acceptance or other documentation.
It is recommended that applicant attend a local township meeting.
Application Deadline: Must be received by Friday, April 4, 2025.
Submit completed application to:
Middleton Township Administrative Offices
Attn: Mike Moulton, Township Trustee
21745 N. Dixie Hwy
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Winners will be notified on or about April 25, 2025. Scholarship money will be paid directly to the winners’ academic, technical or vocational institutions.